
President Geingob calls for rededication in New Year's message

New Year Message Video
President Hage Geingob says the tough economic outlook will require Namibians to draw on the experiences and lessons learned during 2016 and to engage in difficult debates over limited resources and competing priorities. It is with this message that President Geingob wants Namibians to enter the new year and adopt a determined outlook towards the future.

Please click on the photo to listen to the President's abbreviated New Year Message on NBC....

Please click here to read the President's full New Year Message 2017....

Please note that the Embassy will be closed on TUESDAY, 21 March 2017, due to the Namibian National Day of Independence. We will be open again as from 22 March 2017.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Botschaft am DIENSTAG, den 21. März 2017 aufgrund des namibischen Nationalfeiertages zur Unabhängigkeit geschlossen bleibt. Am 22. März 2017 sind wir wieder für Sie da.


21. März 1990

Klaus Dierks schrieb zu diesem Tag in seiner Namibia Chronologie folgendes:

"Das Unabhängigkeitsjahr bringt historische Regenfälle nach Namibia. Hier bedeutet Regen nicht nur Wachstum und Fruchtbarkeit, sondern das Gott über das Land wacht. Heute wird Namibia unabhängig. Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma wird vom UNO-Generalsekretär Javier Péres de Cuéllar als erster Präsident der Republik Namibia vor mehr als 30 000 Menschen im Windhoeker Stadion vereidigt. Insgesamt entsenden 147 Länder ihre Repräsentanten, darunter 20 Staatschefs. Außergewöhnliche Vorfälle können beobachtet werden. Politische Führer sprechen miteinander, die gestern noch Todfeinde waren - F.W. De Klerk trift Yassir Arafat, Kenneth Kaunda und den großen südafrikanischen Freiheitshelden, gerade aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, Nelson Mandela, der genau zum Beginn der Unabhängigkeitsverrichtungen eintrifft. Die Verrichtungen beginnen im Chaos. Sicherheitsbeamte stoßen Premierminister herum. Der neue britische Hochkommissar landet auf dem Schoß von Karen Dierks. Es kommt zu einigen Verzögerungen. Namibias Unabhängigkeit wird um 15 Minuten aufgehalten. Die neue stolze namibische Fahne will sich nicht entfalten, da keine Brise weht. Die südafrikanische Flagge sinkt genauso müde wie die aufziehende namibische Flagge."

Nam Indep MuralWandgemälde in Windhoek

Die Politik der nationalen Aussöhnung wird als Fundament für das neue unabhängige Namibia gelegt. Damit sollen die Traditionen von Namibias gewalttätiger Vergangenheit, die auf die deutsche Kolonialzeit zurückgehen, und die südafrikanische Apartheids-Periode zusammen mit den Menschenrechtsverletzungen während des Freiheitskrieges der letzten 24 Jahre gebrochen werden. Ein Eckpunkt der Politik der nationalen Aussöhnung ist es, die wirtschaftlichen Ungleichheiten Namibias zu überwinden, um die Früchte der so hart gewonnenen namibischen Unabhängigkeit zu pflücken.


Inaugural Speech 1990Gründungspräsident, S.E. Dr. Sam Nujoma, bei seiner Antrittsrede

Die 78 Mitglieder (inklusive der vom Präsidenten ernannten sechs Mitglieder) der National-Versammlung der Republik Namibia werden vereidigt. Zum ersten Parlamentspräsidenten wird einstimmig Mosé Tjitendero gewählt."



mose tjitenderoMosé Tjitendero (*25.11.1943 - +26.04.2006)

harambee 1024x683

WINDHOEK, 13 December 2016 – President Hage Geingob and Cabinet ministers pictured during the Harambee 2016 Review press conference held at State House on Tuesday. (Photo by: Joseph Nekaya) NAMPA

Speaking at a media conference on the mid-term performance of the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP), President Dr Hage Geingob said, “Contrary to the pessimists who predicted a downgrading in our international investment rating and continue to suggest that Namibia is broke, the Namibian house remains politically and economically stable. Our social bonds continue to strengthen and the process of moulding the nation should never be disrupted by ethnic differences”.  The President further highlighted the important role that Namibians from all backgrounds have played by supporting and taking ownership of HPP. “Locally, Namibians from all walks of life are rallying behind the Harambee Prosperity Plan, in the spirit of one Namibia, one Nation,” President Geingob added. He showed satisfaction about what had been achieved during the short period of the HPP also on the international level, “Internationally, people have taken note of the Namibia story and are in awe of what we have achieved in a relatively short period” .


(...) "As you are aware, we have declared 2016, the year of implementation. The main focus of this press conference is to provide feedback to the Nation on some of the key undertakings of Government, during the year under review. It is also to underscore Government’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

In terms of our supreme law, the President is obliged to account to Parliament only once a year, during the State of the Nation Address. We believe this is insufficient and have purposefully created opportunities to account to the Nation throughout the year. This is yet another such opportunity." Please click here to continue reading...

Don’t lecture us about human rights – Geingob

New Era, December 6, 2016, by Toivo Ndjebela

Geingob castroPresident Hage Geingob suggested it is hypocritical of Western nations that supported the repressive apartheid South African regime to now accuse late Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro of human rights violations when such nations themselves perpetuated similar crimes in southern Africa.

The apartheid minority regime committed many atrocities and human rights abuses, mostly against blacks, such as detaining them indefinitely without trial, extra-judicial killings, torture and denying the black majority decent wages, decent housing, the right to vote and restricting their free movement, among other gross violations.


Wealthy blacks in for a rude awakening

New Era, December 6, 2016, by Toivo Ndjebela

Hage Geingob wealthy blacksWealthy black Namibians could be targeted for redistribution of national resources, President Hage Geingob hinted strongly last week in London.

Geingob said the perception that his government was only targeting whites – who inherently benefited from the apartheid system – for redistribution was way off the mark.

Those who have benefited from the national economy, whether white or black, would be required to cede some of their wealth to help their compatriots who are struggling to make ends meet.

In its current form, the proposed New Equitable Economic Empowerment Framework (NEEEF) only states that white-owned businesses set up after this policy is adopted would be required to cede 25 percent of their equities to those previously discriminated on the basis of their skin colour.

Black Namibians suffered the full brunt of the apartheid system, which perpetuated white supremacy over other races in the country.

Faced with tough questions from investors and analysts in London last week, with some questioning whether the Namibian government was reversing racism by empowering blacks only, Geingob said his government’s main target now is wealthy Namibians – whether khaki, black or white. He was unapologetic in his observation that white Namibians inadvertently benefited from a system that placed them above other races, but said it would be unfair to target them alone. “We have nothing against whites. But we can’t have some people too rich at the expense of others, while benefiting from national resources. All wealthy people must share – whether black or white,” he said on Friday during a public lecture held at the Chatham House, an international affairs think tank based in London. “That’s why we removed the term ‘black’ from the name of the new framework.”


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